
Kamiel also 2nd in Sprintcross

January 18th 2004 - Kamiel finished 2nd in the Sprintcross in Breda. In Soest Luke Kibet was just too strong, now it was another Kenyan, Wilson Kosgei Chemweno, who was just able to beat Kamiel. After 3 of 5 laps in the Mastbos, Maase, Kosgei and the Belgium runner Tom van Hooste formed the leading group. In the last lap Van Hooste lost contact. Then Kosgei, who had not led the race until the last lap, was able to break away a little. Kosgei needed 32.53 for the 11600 meter, leaving Kamiel only 1 second behind. Tomorrow Kamiel will fly to Portugal for 3 weeks of training.

Race info

CityBreda (NED)
DistanceLong race, 11600 m
Result33.54 (2nd)
Complete result
 1 Wilson Chemweno           Kenia                   32:53
 2 Kamiel Maase              Leiden Atletiek         32:54
 3 Tom van Hooste            België                  33:18
 4 Monder Rizki              België                  33:33
 5 Sajji Bouazza             Marokko                 33:34
 6 Koen Raaijmakers          Hellas                  33:37
 7 Christian Nemeth          België                  33:38
 8 Patrick Stitzinger        Pegasus                 33:39
 9 Jiru Latta Wago           Ethiopië                33:59
10 Jim Svenoy                Noorwegen               34:06



Klaas Leffring
January 18th 2004

Beste Kamiel en Claartje Kamiel wil ik feliciteren met de tweede plaats maar eigenlijk vind ik de zesde van Claartje nog beter. In ieder geval nog een prettige vakantie toegewenst en tot een volgende keer. Groeten van KLAAS

January 19th 2004

January 19th 2004

Hi Kamiel, Congratulations for the great performance you did already since the start of the year.This is a great motivation for you to prepare fothe Olympic in Athene. Wish you all the best in your training. Success, Florence

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News Archive

January 12th 2009Looking back on a running career
January 4th 2009Kamiel neemt afscheid in Egmond
November 9th 2008Kamiel awarded 'De Loper'
November 4th 2008Dutch athletics site published 'the week of Kamiel'
August 24th 2008Kamiel in hot Beijing marathon
August 11th 2008Acclimatizing in Fukuoka
August 6th 2008Kamiel in radio show Langs de Lijn
July 16th 2008Final preparations for Beijing marathon
June 26th 2008Preparing for Beijing conditions
June 22nd 2008Kamiel qualifies for Beijing
June 10th 2008Getting ready for qualification
May 9th 2008Battling the injuries
February 11th 2008Bursitis
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January 20th 2008Low-key comeback in Mastboscross Breda
November 7th 2007Kamiel elected European athlete of the month
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October 7th 2007Successful test in Breda
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September 23rd 2007Another good ten mile race