
Battling the injuries

May 9th 2008 - Since his successful appearance in the Amsterdam Marathon October last year, Kamiel has had to cope with injuries. In November, his right ankle was 'locked'. Then, in February, he was diagnosed with bursitis (inflammation of the bursa) in his right heel. At the end of March, a small tendon (the flexor of toe number four) in his left foot started acting up. After rest, physical treatment, and six weeks of alternative training sessions, Kamiel carefully started building up running for the third time in five months.

Unfortunately, the tendon in the left foot still gave rise to problems and the bursitis came back as well. So, today Kamiel visited the elite sports and radiology department of hospital 'Gelderse Vallei' in Ede, the Netherlands. Both the left foot and right heel had to be injected. Kamiel would like to thank the medical staff at the radiology department, as well as sports physician Peter Vergouwen. He now has to take a few more days of rest before being able to resume alternative training. He is still motivated to participate in the Beijing Olympics and hopes he will be able to perform regular running sessions, without pain, soon.


Dirk Visser
May 19th 2008

Beste Kamiel, Graag wens ik jou een zeer spoedig herstel toe zodat je volledig fit in Beijing aan de start komt om daar een prachtig resultaat te behalen. Dirk Visser (vriend van Bram en 'opperharker' bij het NK)

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News Archive

January 12th 2009Looking back on a running career
January 4th 2009Kamiel neemt afscheid in Egmond
November 9th 2008Kamiel awarded 'De Loper'
November 4th 2008Dutch athletics site published 'the week of Kamiel'
August 24th 2008Kamiel in hot Beijing marathon
August 11th 2008Acclimatizing in Fukuoka
August 6th 2008Kamiel in radio show Langs de Lijn
July 16th 2008Final preparations for Beijing marathon
June 26th 2008Preparing for Beijing conditions
June 22nd 2008Kamiel qualifies for Beijing
June 10th 2008Getting ready for qualification
May 9th 2008Battling the injuries
February 11th 2008Bursitis
February 9th 2008Kamiel decides not to start in Schoorl
January 20th 2008Low-key comeback in Mastboscross Breda
November 7th 2007Kamiel elected European athlete of the month
October 21st 2007Kamiel breaks own marathon record in Amsterdam!
October 7th 2007Successful test in Breda
October 1st 2007Request to Chinese government to help the people of Birma
September 23rd 2007Another good ten mile race