
Satisfying sub-29 10 K in The Hague

October 22nd 2006 - Kamiel chose the Parnassia Laan van Meerdervoortloop in The Hague as the venue for his first race after the marathon at the European Championships in August. The race was held on a point-to-point course on the 'Laan van Meerdervoort', claimed to be the longest lane in Europe. The pace was kept high right from the start despite the strong headwind. Kamiel was in the first group with Juwawo Wirimai, David Kipngetich and Jamal Baligha during the entire run. The race was decided in the last 300 meter. Wirimai was the fastest, immediately followed by Kipngetich and Maase. A very satisfactory race for Kamiel and a surprisingly fast 28:41 in his first race in more than 2 months.

Kamiel remarks: "I have been experiencing many aches and pains before and after the European Championships in Gothenburg. I returned from a short holiday just one week ago and I visited my sports physician to discuss my physical discomfort just this past Wednesday. Coming back with a sub-29 after only a few weeks of very moderate training makes me happy and gives me confidence. More important races are coming up in November and I hope my fitness will have improved by then. Let's just hope the injuries don't come back".

Race info

EventLaan van Meerdervoortloop
CityDen Haag (NED)
Distance10 km
Result28.41 (3rd)
Complete result
 1 Juwawo Wirimai          Zimbabwe                28:39
 2 David Kipngetich        Kenia                   28:41
 3 Kamiel Maase            Leiden Atletiek         28:41
 4 Jamal Baligha           Zuidwal                 28:47
 5 Ben Kimwole             Kenia                   28:53
 6 Saji Bouazza            Marokko                 29:16
 7 Khalid Choukoud         Haag Atletiek           29:37
 8 Fakhriddine Abdelatime  Marokko                 30:40
 9 Ismail Schamali         Marokko                 30:41
10 Patrick Stitzinger      Pegasus                 31:14



October 22nd 2006

Gefeliciteerd met deze snelle tijd. Je kunt er de jaren nog niet aan aflezen, maar het is misschien wel een record.

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News Archive

January 12th 2009Looking back on a running career
January 4th 2009Kamiel neemt afscheid in Egmond
November 9th 2008Kamiel awarded 'De Loper'
November 4th 2008Dutch athletics site published 'the week of Kamiel'
August 24th 2008Kamiel in hot Beijing marathon
August 11th 2008Acclimatizing in Fukuoka
August 6th 2008Kamiel in radio show Langs de Lijn
July 16th 2008Final preparations for Beijing marathon
June 26th 2008Preparing for Beijing conditions
June 22nd 2008Kamiel qualifies for Beijing
June 10th 2008Getting ready for qualification
May 9th 2008Battling the injuries
February 11th 2008Bursitis
February 9th 2008Kamiel decides not to start in Schoorl
January 20th 2008Low-key comeback in Mastboscross Breda
November 7th 2007Kamiel elected European athlete of the month
October 21st 2007Kamiel breaks own marathon record in Amsterdam!
October 7th 2007Successful test in Breda
October 1st 2007Request to Chinese government to help the people of Birma
September 23rd 2007Another good ten mile race